
The Strongest Dose

The overwhelming urge to log onto that website may destroy your family and relationship. The uncontrollable desire to light up the next cigarette that could destroy your health. The unquenchable thirst for a few too many alcoholic beverages that make you lose all senses and lose control of your actions.
Whether its alcohol, pornography or drugs, addictions ruin lives. One thing that those who struggle with addiction have in common is that they are all looking for the next fix to satisfy their urges and to gain a release.
On Sunday 27th January at 9.30am, everyone who is strong enough to admit that they have an addiction and they want to break the cycle and get their lives back can receive the STRONGEST DOSE at their local UCKG HelpCentre. What’s this all about? Find out at this 90-minute meeting that could change your habits forever.
My addiction wasn’t your typical drugs, smoking or even drinking, it was clubbing seven nights a week! The only time I was happy was when the dance floor was packed and the spotlight was on me. Whenever I wasn’t in a nightclub I would feel lonely, depressed and suicidal. I was invited to an event similar to The Strongest Dose and was curious to find out whether I could be helped or not, and I was. The support and advice I received there was eye- opening! I gained control back and I am a happier woman now. I don’t need to be out every night to try to forget my problems. I have the strength and confidence to face them now! – Ashkhen Gulbekian, Brixton
I was a hopeless, paranoid, alcoholic for many years that was tearing my family apart. My wife wanted to kill me and my children were ashamed and really embarrassed to have me as a father. I attended an event similar to The Strongest Dose where I encouraged so much to believe that I could be clean by dealing with the root cause of why I drank so much in the first place. There, I learned how to break the cycle and get my life back. I received holistic support and step-by-step tips on how to sober up for good and it worked! It’s now been over 15 years since then and I’ve never gone back to the drink! My marriage is wonderful and I am now a great example to my children. I really recommend this event. If I can change, anyone can!

-Keith Samuel, Stamford Hill

Location: Rainbow Theatre
Date: 27th of February 2013
Time: 9.30am
Admission: Free

