
Be patience…

Upon arriving home, after attending an opera, a wealthy lady noticed that she had lost the necklace she had received from her husband a few weeks ago. She thought she had lost it in the car, so she went downstairs and into the garage. She examined the car carefully, but nothing!
In the early hours of the morning that lady made ​​a call to the theater and was kindly addressed by the manager who she told about the incident, in detail.
The manager, demonstrating an interest in the matter, asked her to remain on the line, because he would ask the administrator if he had seen anything. The administrator informed him that the jewel had been found among the papers taken from the floor of the theater and stored in a safe place.
Returning to the phone to convey the happy news, the manager found that the lady had already hung up. She had no patience to wait.

That is exactly what happens with many people who look for God’s help asking for many things, but unfortunately do not stay on the line waiting for the answer. Discouraged too quickly they go in search of a solution, oblivious to the fact that God sometimes takes a while to reply because the time is not appropriate or because our will is not in tune with His. The lack of patience in waiting can lead someone to downfall, the consequences of which lead to suffering or harm that may accompany them for life.

